What Was There Before The Big Bang?

Scientific Theories on Pre-Big Bang Conditions

Several scientific theories attempt to describe the conditions before the Big Bang. One of the most prominent among these is the notion of the quantum fluctuation. According to quantum mechanics, even what seems to be empty space is filled with temporary (virtual) particles constantly forming and annihilating. A hypothesis suggests that the universe could have originated from such a quantum fluctuation, which provided the energy necessary for the Big Bang.

Another interesting theory is the cyclic model, which posits that the universe undergoes an infinite number of births and deaths. In this model, each Big Bang is followed by a long period of expansion and eventual contraction, culminating in another Big Bang. This theory not only provides a scenario for what was before our universe but also suggests a future that mirrors its past.

In addition to these, the multiverse theory proposes that our universe is just one of many universes, each potentially having different physical laws. According to this view, the Big Bang could have been a transition from a different universe or a different state of existence, meaning that there could have been something before our known universe, possibly another universe entirely.

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